Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Back to Munuvania is back online...

The Human Cost of Freedom

On the Huffington Post, Cindy Sheehan announces her return to Crawford, Texas to the anti-war vigil she holds to protest her son's "meaningless death" in a "senseless war." She still cannot understand what noble cause her son sacrificed his life for. She laments:

"...every death is now a meaningless one. And the vast majority of our country knows this. So why do more young men and women have to

Cindy Sheehan, Your 15 Minutes are Up

Over at Kos, Armando mewls about Rummy's word choices before splitting in a comment made by Trent Duffy. Kos himself gripes about how much the War costs, hedges his bets by insisting he's not anti-war, but anti this war, and then relies upon a cute photo that he swiped from Atrios.

Cindy Sheehan is mentioned only in passing as part of a comment made by Bush. "Mother Sheehan" barely raises a blip

Things That Make You Go "Boom" 8/23/05 Edition

The server over at seems to have suffered a lingering death.

Confederate Yankee, Ace of Spades, Publicola and your other favor Munuvians will be forced completely offline or onto backup sites for a while, so please be patient.